Thursday, December 19, 2019

Republlicans see Democrats as Pontius Pilate and Trump as God

During the debates (which were more like a shouting match) Wednesday as the House of Representatives was about to vote on two articles of impeachment against President Trump, a Georgia congressman compared House Republicans to Pontius Pilate and said Pilate, the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death, was more fair than House Democrats. Jesus got better treatment from Pilate than President Trump got from House Democrats, he said.

Think about that. If Democrats are the equivalent of the 2000-years-ago Roman governor, then Donald J. Trump must be ... Jesus Christ. That makes Trump GOD!

No wonder Republicans are falling in line behind their leader: They have him mistaken for the one true God, who made heaven and Earth, who divided the Red Sea, who gave the laws to Moses, who is and was and always will be.

This explanation helps explain Republicans' boot-licking attitude toward President Trump and their refusal to believe overwhelming evidence of his wrongdoing and misbehavior. The trance he has imposed on every (R) in the Senate can only be understood as divine intervention or mass ignorance.


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