Thursday, January 7, 2021

‘All enemies, foreign and domestic …’


All enemies, foreign and domestic ... Every member of the U.S. Armed Forces swears an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies. Don’t overlook the domestic enemies.


The storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 by an unruly but well rehearsed mob has shaken America’s trust in its institutions and traditions. Repeatedly, the scene of scruffy-looking insurgents breaking windows and doors to the Capitol and overwhelming understaffed Capitol police was described as similar to “banana republics”, former Soviet republics or struggling Middle East states. These were not the scenes Americans and allies have associated with the United States of America, the world’s oldest and most successful republic.


In only a couple of hours Wednesday, America’s pride in its successful foundation of free and fair elections, peaceful transition of power, and checks and balances among three branches of government was shattered by hundreds of people intent on disrupting the final certification of the presidential election.


Members of Congress and Capitol Hill staff were terrorized by the gun-toting, flag-waving, looting, furniture-breaking, disrespectful, smirking anti-American traitors. Some posed proudly for photos of themselves with priceless statues, artwork and furniture in the seat of America’s government. It was an attempted revolt, an unprecedented coup against the government. Damage to the Capitol was the worst since the British Army’s burning of the building during the War of 1812.


This insurrection was the direct result of President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept his defeat in the Nov. 3 election. Again and again Trump has claimed that the election was “rigged,” that his opponent cheated, that voting machines were manipulated against him, etc. He or his supporters filed more than 50 lawsuits in state and federal courts asserting his claims that he was the winner, “by a landslide,” but all of those lawsuits were rejected in state and federal courts, up to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Trump encouraged his blindly loyal supporters to go to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest the certification of the electoral vote. He held a rally near the White House and encouraged the huge crowd to walk to the Capitol, telling them falsely that his re-election had been “stolen” and urged followers to “fight” for a reversal of the election outcome. He declared (again) that he would “never concede.”


Thus inspired, the Trump followers went to the Capitol and pushed aside crowd control barriers, rushed an entrance, shoving aside the handful of Capitol Police and paraded through the most sacred parts of the Capitol, including the Senate Chamber. They had to be stopped at gunpoint from claiming the House Chamber. Members of Congress and staff were escorted to safety, but some were injured in the process, and one protester was shot and died.


Brave and determined, Congress chose to resume the electoral vote validation once the Capitol was secured, completing the largely routine action in the early morning Thursday. Most of the Trump sycophants who had indicated they oppose the validation changed their minds after being repulsed by the unruly Trump supporting criminals who terrified elected officials.


Several people have urged a strong, strict response to this breach of the U.S. Capitol, the most iconic structure in America. The people who broke into the building, destroyed windows and furnishings and mocked the sacred fixtures of this 228-year-old symbol of democracy. Security cameras throughout the Capitol complex should allow identification of the hoodlums who broke in. They should be charged with breaking and entering, theft, destruction of public and private property and any and all other appropriate offenses.


Prosecutors should make it clear that such wanton behavior will not be tolerated, and America will not allow rioting in government buildings. The enablers of these rioters, the senators who refused to consider impeachment charges against Trump, the members of Congress who bought into the frivolous election lawsuits and gave other support to Trump’s anti-American behavior should be shunned by Republican Party officials and by all voters. Let them pay at the ballot box.


Wednesday’s insurrection left me thinking about the 9-11 attacks. The Capitol was reportedly targeted by the one airplane that failed to complete its mission. The rioters did not do as much damage as the Arab terrorists would have, but the fact that these conspirators were fellow Americans makes the shock and pain worse.


Americans should also hold responsible those who misled gullible rioters, including those who follow wacky conspiracy theories such as QAnon. President Trump is largely responsible for stoking the flames of false claims about a stolen election, blaming Democrats and other “enemies” for Trump’s loss. Trump has repeated these lies incessantly and shows no restraint, no matter how many times courts and other organizations reject his lies. He should pay a penalty for his inflammatory lying that has endangered individual Americans and harmed democratic institutions.


Some members of Congress have suggested removing Trump as unable to fulfill his duties under the 25th Amendment. Trump has only days left in his turn, so the timing would be tight. A better but perhaps more difficult solution is to impeach Trump — yes, again. His speech to the rioters before they stormed the Capitol seems to fit clearly the definition of inciting to riot. His earlier recorded telephone call asking the governor of Georgia to “find me 11,870 votes” is clearly an impeachable offense. The offenses are clear and recent, simplifying the process.


The timing will be difficult, but if Congress (with both chambers ruled by Democrats) could squeeze it in. If they don’t stop him via impeachment, Trump will likely pardon more criminal friends, possibly including himself and his family members. He also can issue executive actions that strike at the heart of democracy and the American system. The most important benefit of impeachment is that it would forever ban Trump from holding public office, ensuring that he will not be able to run in 2024. America cannot stand another Trump presidency.

1 comment:

surfsalterpath said...

That is crazy!
PRESIDENT Trump had NOTHING to do with the infiltration of "Antifa" in the protest crowd. Cut off your TV and do the research. Newspaper people "used" to be good at 'research!" To blame PRESIDENT Trump is to close a BLIND eye to what is really wrong in this country! Political Corruption and the Socialist takeover of the American Government from within. The last 4 years have been the BEST economically, raised from the deathbed a FRAUD left after 8 years of trying to destabilize America! PRESIDENT Trump succeeded on almost ALL fronts even though he was attacked from all sides! Simple amazing! It's not over yet. 20jan2021. Keep watching!